FreedomVOICE Systems Launches PodFone To Turn Voicemail into Podcasts
Released on = June 13, 2007, 8:59 am
Press Release Author = Bruce Bond/FreedomVOICE Systems
Industry = Telecommunications
Press Release Summary = PodFone transforms voicemail and other recorded phone calls into podcasts, allowing companies to interact more effectively with their clients and associates..
Press Release Body = Encinitas, CA (PRWEB) June 12, 2007 -- FreedomVOICE Systems announces the launch of PodFone, a service that transforms voicemail and other recorded phone calls into podcasts, available for automatic download by iPods and other portable audio devices. FreedomVOICE Systems is a leading provider of a wide array of integrated virtual office tools.
"Our customers want to join the podcast revolution," said Eric Thomas, FreedomVOICE Systems' founder and CEO. "With PodFone, they can share important voicemail, teleconferences, audio training sessions and meetings."
An add-on service to FreedomVOICE's existing voice systems, PodFone is intended for businesses with websites who want to offer additional content to viewers who elect to subscribe.
According to company officials, podcasts let a company communicate with interested parties who are looking for the information they provide. Businesses can gather relevant information, upload it to their Web site and, through an alert called an RSS feed, notify subscribers when new material is posted. A subscriber need only sign up to receive the podcasts which are then automatically uploaded to an audio device of their choice, such as an iPod, MP3 player, laptop computer or similar device.
"Podcasting is proving to be an extremely cost-effective way to communicate with colleagues, customers, associates and others," said Thomas. "Instead of time-consuming group seminars or costly newsletters, a podcast allows the receiver to listen when it's convenient and when the content is fresh."
About FreedomVOICE Systems
Founded in 1996, FreedomVOICE Systems (FVS) develops and markets a comprehensive slate of integrated virtual office tools that allow businesses and professional offices to interact more effectively with their customers, clients, patients and associates. FVS' feature-rich systems and flexible technology enable users to enhance their image, communicate seamlessly whether by voicemail, fax or email, track marketing effectiveness and promote their service by increasing their availability.
The company offers a wide array of products and services from 800-number toll free services to more advanced unified communications systems. For more information, please call 800-477-1477 or visit our web sites.
Contact: Bruce Bond FreedomVOICE Systems 800-477-1477 ext. 822
Web Site =
Contact Details = 169 Saxony Road Encinitas, CA 92024 800-477-1477
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